April  2013 Rescheduled Dates TBA

Writing Dialogue & Character Development; Writing for stage, screen, and stories.
Why do People Say What They Say?              
Writing real Dialogue and believable Characters are essential skills for writers of all genres, not just scriptwriters.  This is a writing workshop for any writer who wants to exercise character development and to create dialogue that sounds authentic. 
Join Lisa Lutwyche (produced and published playwright) as we explore learning how to listen.
 Bring your writing supplies, ideas, an open mind, and open ears.
During the last night of class the actors of City Theater Company  in Wilmington DE will attend for anActors’ dry read and critique
Instructor:  Lisa Lutwyche
Wednesday Evenings April 3, 10, 17, 24,  6 – 8pm
Cost:  $90

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