March Art Classes

Drawing with the Needle; the Stitches of Creative Embroidery
Thursday Evenings
March 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th,   6 – 8 pm
This course is intended for anyone who has admired a sampler or a piece of embroidery, wondered how it was made, and would like to try to create their own drawing with the needle. We can all design - no previous experience needed, as soon as we get over the idea that only “experts” can. This course gives you the simple stitches to do so.  Anyone can make a straight stitch which can turn into a wondrous creation with a little help.
Instructor:  Lois Johnson            Cost:  $80

Call or email to register:  302-762-4ART,
Bellefonte Arts,  803 Brandywine Blvd.  Bellefonte, DE  19809

March Art Classes

Direct Mosaic Class

This course in direct mosaic technique is designed for beginners.   Learn the art of applying tesserae (Ceramic tile, vitreous glass tile, stained glass, broken china and pottery, glass beads, shells, pebbles, and jewelry) to an object (wood, terracotta, glass, etc – almost any non-flexible surface) to create your personalized mosaic art.  Students will be designing and creating a mosaic picture frame.  All materials will be provided – including the picture frame, stained glass, adhesive, grout and sealer.  Students are invited to bring other items to apply to their frame including flat marbles, broken dishes, jewelry, etc.

Wednesday Evenings March 11th,  18th, 25th,
from 6:30 – 8:30pm
Instructor:  Michelle Masitis
Cost:  $60

Call or email to register:  302-762-4ART,
Bellefonte Arts  803 Brandywine Blvd.  Bellefonte, DE  19809